Marc Rufer 18 Nov 2016 PowerShell WinRM
Todays blog post is about setting up a PowerShell remote session configuration on a Windows machine. A PowerShell remote session configuration can be used when connecting from another machine (hereinafter called as Client
) to the machine the PoSH remote session configuration resides on (hereinafter called as Target
) using Enter-PSSession
Cmdlet. A PoSH remote session configuration allows you to define under which user (Credential) the remote commands sent by the Client
over the remote session will be executed. The Client
only has to know the hostname of the Target
and the name of the PowerShell session configuration.
The following conditions have to be fullfilled to make it work.
, has to have remote login access on the Target
Cmdlet without specifying the Credential, the Client
and the Target
have to be in the same domain or workgroupClient
and Target
) must have valid SSL certificatesTo set up the PowerShell remote session configuration on the Target
the following commands have to be executed.
Enable-PSRemoting -Force;
# Configure WinRM to use HTTPS
winrm quickconfig -transport:https;
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5986 "WinRM over HTTPS";
# Register PowerShell session configuration
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name PSSESSION_CONFIG_NAME -RunAsCredential CREDENTIAL_TO_RUN_CMDS_WITH -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI;
# Assign X.509 certificate to WinRM listener
$Thumbprint = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "CERT_NAME"}).Thumbprint;
winrm set winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS '@{Hostname="FULL_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME";CertificateThumbprint="THUMBPRINT_HERE"}';
To enable windows remote management on the Client
the following commands have to be executed once on the Client
Enable-PSRemoting -Force;
winrm quickconfig -transport:https;
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 5986 "WinRM over HTTPS";
To test the connection from Client
to Target
execute the following command
Now you can connect to the Target
by entering the before defined PowerShell session configuration as follows.