Marc Rufer 24 Mar 2015 Java API RESTful library
Today the v1.0 of the swisscom-sms-api-client was released and is now available at Maven Central Repository! The Swisscom SMS-API client project is an open source library for easy use of the Swisscom SMS-API in Java.
The idea to write this library appeared to me after playing around with the Swisscom SMS-API. The main goals of implementing this API-client were on the one side allowing an easy integration of the API into java applications and on the other side to have a reference project for a first contribution to the Maven Central repository.
To include the library into your maven project you have to add the following dependency section to your pom.xml
Using the library is straight forward as you can see in the code snippet below
It was interesting going through all the necessary steps for a deployment of an artifact to the central repository. At this point I’d like to mention the good and helpful documentation of Maven Central. Without this documentation the release process had been much more time consuming.
Special thanks goes to Konrad Lykowski for the code review and the valuable feedback.